Monday, November 8, 2010

First Post

I am not really sure if the world has a need for another blog but here goes. I am an old bartender who is happily married. I have 5 children all grown save one. I also have 2 grandchildren, an awesome cat and a so-so dog. I will go into details about everyone later. I have been a bartender for 28 years and it is a job like any other job in that it pays the bills and nothing more. It used to be fun and exciting but as you get older its a pain listening to whining people for a living. I have worked for my current employer for 15 years and its good money but I'd rather do just about anything else for a living. My real passion is collecting antiques which sounds kinda gay but I'm pretty sure I'm not by now so there you go. I don't believe one can say their not gay until they die and get to see the manual that came with your body. Then you can say, "so that's what was wrong with me". Not that there's anything wrong with that.

I like reading the news and knowing both sides of an issue. One thing that is wrong with the world today is that everyone is picking a side and not caring about whats right and whats wrong. I did not vote for President Obama and do not agree with most of his agenda, but he is still my President so I try to give him the benefit of doubt. I believe the day, when elected officials start thinking about whats right for our country and not constantly trying to get re-elected, that's when things will take a turn for the better. I have a lot of ideas about how to bring about change in this country and I will get to them soon. Until then lets all just sit back and relax and watch some Monday Night Football! I'll take Pittsburg by 7.

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